RoSCAN通过拍摄一张场景的数码照片,然后测量一个平行于场景的辐射强度彩色图像,双图叠加后场景照片内的辐射强度水平可通过不同的颜色进行显示。更多资讯联系伽太科技,sales@gamtic.com,021-5197 0121
测量单元本身采用可靠稳定的设计,其中包括电机部分、摄像头、平行准直的探测器、MCA 527多道分析器、激光准直器和控制电子学。γ射线测量可选CsI(Tl)或CZT探测器,并可根据空间分辨率或灵敏度的需要,定制其它探测器。在选用其他探测器时,只需修改准直器尺寸,无需对其他部分做任何改动。控制单元内的笔记本电脑用于控制测量单元并给系统供电。
1. 供电:100-240Vac(50Hz-60Hz)
2. 通讯:以太网,100Mbit/s,最大100m
3. 控制单元质量:11kg(包含笔记本)
4. 测量单元质量:20kg(不包含准直器)
5. 电缆重量(50m):10kg
6. 最大旋转角度(水平/垂直):420度/270度
7. 带有准直的CZT探测器
a) 质量/视角/屏蔽厚度:7.5kg/5度/38mm
b) 测量范围:30—2MeV
c) 谱分辨率(662keV):<18keV
8. 带有准直的CsI(Tl)探测器
a) 质量/视角/屏蔽厚度:12kg/5度/38mm
b) 测量范围:100—3MeV
c) 谱分辨率(662keV):<60keV
9. 工作温度:0℃-50℃
10. 控制单元和测量单元防护等级:IP42
11. 测量单元尺寸:41.5 x 41.5 x 725px(不包括准直)
12. 控制单元尺寸:18 x 59 x 700px
13. 操作系统:Win98,Win2000,WinME,WinXP,Win7
The RoScan Gamma scanner was jointly developed by the Verein für Kernverfahrenstechnik und Analytic Rossendorf e.V. (VKTA / Nuclear Engineering and Analytics Rossendorf Inc.) and GBS Elektronik GmbH to measure radio-contaminated rooms or objects. With the RoScan it is also possible to locate radioactive leaks in tanks and pipelines. The RoScan takes a picture with a digital camera and measures single gamma spectra with a collimated detector. The radiation intensity is superimposed and visualized as color information on the recorded image.
The RoScan Gamma Scanner consists of two units, the measuring head and a portable control unit. Both components can be connected to each other by a cable up to 100m long.
The power supply for the entire system is from the 230 V mains. Thus, only a single hermetically sealed cable, which is easy to clean, is connected to the measuring head.
The measuring head consists of a solid housing, which contains the mechanical drive, a camera, the collimated detector, an MCA-527, a laser pointer as well as the control electronics.
The camera operates with a resolution of 640 × 480 pixels. A SC2525 (CsI) or a CZT500 (CdZnTe) module is used as detector. Depending on the required spatial resolution or sensitivity, other detectors can also be used. Therefore only the collimator has to be adapted to the detector geometry. The integrated laser pointer is very useful when finding contaminated sites.
The control unit incorporates a laptop for controlling the measuring head, the power supply for the laptop and measuring head, as well as a communication unit. By integrating all these components into one package, only two cables - the power supply cable (230 V ~) and the control cable for the measuring head – must be connected externally. The installation of the laptop can be carried out with almost any model with USB connection without problems.
All functions of the measuring head, including the integrated MCA-527 as well as the camera, can be controlled with the program RoScan. The program also gives the user numerous possibilities for evaluation and automation options. For example, reports can be generated and saved. Furthermore, the evaluation programs Identify and MCAPrint for the MCA-527 can be used for the evaluation and preparation of the measurement data. With RoScan, you can click on any pixel in the camera window by mouse and the corresponding spectrum is displayed in the main window.
Supply voltage 230 V~, 50/60 Hz
Power consumption 20W(max.)
Communication interface Ethernet, 100MBit/s
Max. distance 100m (Spezialkabel, dekontaminierbar)
Weight control unit (with laptop) approx.11kg
Weight measuring unit (without collimator) approx.20kg
Weight cable trolley (50 m) approx.10kg
Dimensions of the measuring unit 415 x 415 x 290mm (without collimator )
Dimensions of the control unit 180 x 590 x 308mm
Camera angle 54.4° x 40.8°
Max. Rotating range horizontal 420°
Max. Rotating range vertical 270°
Horizontal rotation speed 13.1°/s (max.)
Vertical rotation speed 16°/s (max.)
Measurement time (16 × 12 measuring points, 5s per point) ca. 30 min
Temperature range 0 - 50°C
Humidity <90% (non-condensing)
Protection class (case and measuring unit) IP42
Weight 7kg
Opening angle 5°
Lead thickness 38mm
Measuring range ca.30keV - 2MeV
Spectroscopic resolution at 662keV <30keV (< 18 keV bei CZT500S)
Weight 12kg
Opening angle 5°
Lead thickness 38mm
Measuring range ca. 100keV – 3MeV
Spectroscopic resolution at 662keV ca. 60 keV at 662keV