LOTIS TII Q开关Nd:YAG脉冲激光其家族可为用户提供各种脉冲输出能量,脉冲宽度从5纳秒到24纳秒,重复频率从1Hz到100Hz。与此同时,不同型号的激光器还包含有内置2倍频,3倍频,4倍频,甚至5倍频输出。对没有内置倍频晶体的型号,有外置倍频晶体可供选择,以提供所需高倍频激光脉冲输出。有些型号的激光器应用了可变反射系数的反射镜,使其具有更好的光束质量,更高的谐波转换效率。双脉冲激光器可以提供两个连续脉冲,其脉冲延迟输出准确度到1纳秒,主要用于激光光谱和粒子束成像等应用。除了具备手动操作盒控制激光器以外,LOTIS TII激光器也可以由计算机通过RS232接口远程控制激光器工作。
LT-2211N (new improved design), LT-2212LT-2211N–LT-2212 are designed for conversion of the fundamental and second harmonic radiation of YAG (YLF) lasers to widely tunable radiation in the UV, visible and near IR spectral ranges.LT-2211ALT-2211A is the first of a new family of high power narrow line of LOTIS TII tunable lasers. They are designed for conversion of the fundemental and second harmonic radiation of Nd:YAG lasers to widely tunable radiation in the UV, visible and near IR spectral ranges.LT-2214, LT-2215They are designed for conversion of third harmonic radiation of Nd:YAG lasers to widely tunable radiation in the UV, visible and near IR spectral ranges.LT-2214-PC, LT-2215-PCLT-2214-PC and LT-2215-PC lasers: Enhanced versions of the LT-2214 OPO and LT-2215 OPO providing PC controlled automated tuning.LT-2215-OPGLT-2215-OPG is a new picosecond parametric generator designed especially to extend the application of our Nd:YAG picosecond laser LS-2151.LS-2145OPOLS-2145-OPO is a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser with built-in midband optical parametric oscillator (OPO) providing conversion of Nd:YAG third harmonic (355 nm) radiation in to the tunable light of near IR and visible spectral range. An integrated single laser emitter design makes it easy to install and maintain the laser. It is designed for scientific research in biology, photochemistry, spectroscopy, etc.LS-2149-LTLT-2211N (新改进型号), LT-2212Tunable Solid State Lasers on Ti:Sapphire and ForsteriteLT-2211N–LT-2212 are designed for conversion of the fundamental and second harmonic radiation of YAG (YLF) lasers to widely tunable radiation in the UV, visible and near IR spectral ranges.Unlike most Ti:Sapphire (Al2O3 :Ti3+) and Forsterite (Mg2SiO4:Cr4+) lasers, our LT-22xx lasers require only one set of optics for all tuning ranges to eliminate the downtime associated with changing and realigning the optics during an experiment.The unique design of the active element improves the beam alignment stability and reliability of laser operation.Both models have a highly efficient built-in second harmonic generator (SHG), to provide operation in the IR, visible and UV spectral ranges.LT-2211N can be employed with third and the fourth harmonics units, which increase the total tuning range of Ti:Sapphire laser.The LT-2211N may be equipped with an optional intracavity Fabry — Perot etalon (model LT-2211FP), allowing narrow linewidth 0.01 nm (See the red color line on the turning curves diagram). Special model LT-2212G using glide incidence grating (instead of prizm selector in LT-2212) provides linewidth narrowing in 100 times with the high efficiency of conversation. |
LT-2211N | LT-2212 | LT-2212G | LT-2212G-100 | ||
Tuning Range, nm | 基波 | 690-1000 | 1160-1360 | 1180-1350 | 1200-1280 |
二次谐波 | 350-500 | 580-680 | 590-675 | 600-640 | |
三次谐波 | 235-325* | - | - | - | |
四次谐波 | 210-235* | - | - | - | |
Line Width, nm | 0.1 (0.01)** | 0.8 (0.2) | 0.01 | 0.01 | |
Pulse repetition rate, Hz | 10(up to 50 Hz-optional) | - | - | - | |
Pump radiation conversation efficiency | 基波 | ≥25***/12** | 9 | 5 | 2 |
二次谐波 | ≥40***/20(Esh/Eff)** | 1.5 | 1 | - | |
三次谐波 | ≤25(Eth/Esh)* | - | - | - | |
四次谐波 | ≤25(Efh/Esh)* | - | - | - | |
Pulse duration (FWHM), ns | 8-30*** | - | - | - |
*Harmonic Generator (HG) is optional as separate unit
**with an optional intracavity Fabry-Perot etalon
***At pulse repetition rate ≤20 Hz
可调激光器产品联系:伽太科技,sales@gamtic.com,021-5197 0121,
LT-2211A 高能量钛宝石可调谐激光器
LS-2211A是 LOTIS TII 新系列的可调谐激光器. 它结合了多功能设计,最大限度地提高全方位的性能, LS-2211A高增益振荡器和 双通道放大器产生高能量、窄线宽的短脉冲激光。
LS-2211A opens a new line of high power narrow line of LOTIS TII tunable lasers.
It combines several design features that maximize all-round performance. LS-2211A high-gain oscillator and double-pass amplifier produce short high energy pulses with narrow linewidth
For customer requirements we propose a wide range of LS-2211A options:
- PC control of tuning, including SOFTWARE
- Additional second, fourth and third harmonics generators modules
- Intracavity etalon Fabry-Perot providing narrowing of linewidth
- Integrating with LOTIS Nd:YAG pump lasers
LT-2211A 钛宝石可调激光器
可调激光器产品联系:伽太科技,sales@gamtic.com,021-5197 0121,
可调激光器型号 | LT-2211A | |
工作物质 | 钛宝石 (Al2O3:Ti3+) | |
可调谐范围,nm | 基频 | 690-950 |
二倍频 | 350-475* | |
三倍频 | 230-320* | |
四倍频 | 210-240* | |
线宽,nm | 0.2 (0.02)** | |
泵浦光转换效率(最大值)% | 基频 | 20 |
二倍频 | 7 | |
光束发散角,mrad | 全发散角@86%能量 | ≤1.5 |
偏振比 | 基频 | Linear Horizontal |
二倍频 | Linear Vertical | |
尺寸 | LT-2211A | 470x260x90 |
LT-2211A-PC控制器 | 256x257x111 | |
HG-STF谐波发生器 | 498x236x130 | |
脉宽FWHM,ns | 8-25 |
*谐波发生器(HG) 可选单元